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Quality Management System Policy

As a distributor of regenerative biomaterials and accessories to the UK healthcare sector, Medira thrives on building a reputation for uniquely superior, innovative and above all, effective products, while achieving and maintaining service and support levels that customers expect and deserve.

The transition of the European Medical Device Directive (MDD) to Medical Device Regulations (MDR) from 27 May 2017 to 27 May 2021, has placed a clear emphasis on safety and patient risk.  To this end the products supplied by Medira to the UK market, are fully compliant with all Regulatory Standards to meet CE certification requirements of the new MDR without compromise.

Core to delivering the product and service expectations of our customers is the continual improvement of our Quality Management System and in meeting applicable requirements, including statutory and regulatory.

We are committed to maintaining our ISO 9001 certification through co-operation, motivation and effective collaboration with all our interested parties.   Key to this commitment are Medira customers and Medira staff.

Our commitment to enhancing customer satisfaction is not only through the effective application of our Quality Management System, but through a socially responsible attitude to the purchase, storage and distribution of all our products.

We recognize that reductions in waste, and improvements in process understanding and regulatory compliance for our customers, will help to ensure the sustainability of Medira.


Roseanne Aitken

Manageing Director

20 April 2021

QMS Policy v3.2